Pradhika Bhartia offers  handwriting analysis, numerology & tarot card reading

Priha Bhartia - handwriting analysis & tarot card readingAre you facing problems in your business, studies or daily life? There may be issues with your inner self and mind that are yet to show up clearly on the outside but silently affecting your life and work.

Pradhika Bhartia has launched handwriting analysis and several other services that she uses to identify these personality traits and reveal the true reasons for your problems.

As part of her handwriting analysis, she asks you to write a page of any English text in your normal writing style. The text does not matter. She then analyses the handwriting and reports attributes of your nature that are affecting your working and results. If required, she can help you in correcting these problems through an optional therapy.

If you are not able to write English text, you can make a colour drawing and she can use this to offer the same level of reporting that she will do with the handwriting analysis.

Pradhika also offers numerology services by using your name and date of birth to identify and suggest simple ways to improve your results in whatever you do.

If you are stuck for a decision about a project you are starting or any similar action, you can call her for Tarot card reading which will reveal the best plan of action for your specific situation or question.

So you have no need to stay in the confused state of mind. Just visit and check out her services which are most appropriate for you.